Yard Management System: Full Guide For Increasing Efficiency

As businesses expand, the holistic task of handling the supply chain and yard management becomes more bewildering. Neglected yard operations can cause major delays in deliveries, missed opportunities, and major financial losses. The solution? A yard management system. Until now, the yard management system has been considered an underdog but the truth is it plays a pivotal role in boosting the efficiency of warehouses and distribution centers. So it’s time to put a stop to undermining the yard management system and shine a spotlight on this bad boy to unleash its full potential. But “how” is the million-dollar question here. This elephant.

Modern truck loading bays with overhead doors

As businesses expand, the holistic task of handling the supply chain and yard management becomes more bewildering. Neglected yard operations can cause major delays in deliveries, missed opportunities, and major financial losses. The solution? A yard management system.

Until now, the yard management system has been considered an underdog but the truth is it plays a pivotal role in boosting the efficiency of warehouses and distribution centers. So it’s time to put a stop to undermining the yard management system and shine a spotlight on this bad boy to unleash its full potential.

But “how” is the million-dollar question here. This elephant in the room needs to be addressed and this is exactly what our article is about. So here’s our grand reveal on how a yard management system can increase your yard’s efficiency by streamlining operations and integrating technology. Here are the key takeaways from what we will be covering in this guide:

  • What is a Yard Management System?
  • How is it different from Warehouse Management System and Transport Management System?
  • How does a Yard Management System work with a Warehouse Management System and a Transport Management System?

What Is A Yard Management System?

Smart facility yard management system

Yard management systems (YMS) are solutions designed to help companies manage their yard trucks, trailers, containers, and other assets within their yards and other outdoor storage areas. These solutions offer greater visibility into yard management processes and allow businesses to optimize their yard operations, reduce costs, and increase productivity.

How Is A Yard Management System (YMS) Different From A Warehouse Management System (WMS)?

While both systems may seem similar, there are some key differences between the two. Let’s take a look:


Scope Of Operations

One of the biggest differences between YMS and WMS is the scope of operations they manage. A WMS manages the internal operations of a warehouse, including inventory tracking, picking, packing, and shipping of goods. It optimizes the flow of goods within the warehouse, from receiving to shipping.

On the other hand, a YMS is used to manage external operations that occur outside of the warehouse. It is geared towards facilities such as distribution centers, ports, and manufacturing plants where goods are transported in trailers and optimizes the flow of goods in and out of the yard.


Data Collection

YMS and WMS also differ in terms of the types of data they collect and analyze. A YMS collects data related to the movement of trailers in the yard, including their location, status, and dwell time. It can also track equipment and assets such as forklifts and yard trucks. This data is used to optimize yard operations, reduce wait times, and increase efficiency.

A WMS, on the other hand, collects data related to inventory, including stock levels, item locations, and order fulfillment. This data is used to improve inventory accuracy, reduce stockouts, and increase order fulfillment rates.


Implementation Cost

Implementing a YMS is cheaper compared to implementing a WMS. YMS is relatively simpler compared to WMS and it has fewer requirements. It primarily focuses on managing the movement of goods in and out of the yard, whereas WMS has a wider scope and involves managing the movement of goods within a warehouse or distribution center.

Implementing a WMS is more complex and expensive since it requires integrating with other systems like Enterprise Resource Planning and Customer Relationship Management systems. This integration is necessary to ensure that the warehouse is aligned with other areas of the business.

How Is A Yard Management System (YMS) Different From A Transport Management System (TMS)?

While both of these systems play an important role in managing logistics operations, they are quite different in their approach and functions. Let’s discuss these differences in more detail:


Scope Of Operations

YMS focuses solely on the management of the yard area of a warehouse. This includes tracking the movement of trailers and containers within the yard, managing the availability of yard space, and coordinating activities between drivers, dispatchers, and warehouse personnel.

On the other hand, TMS has a broader scope that covers transportation operations across multiple locations. It is responsible for managing the entire supply chain – from the movement of goods out of the warehouse to their delivery at the customer’s doorstep. This includes route planning, carrier selection, shipment scheduling, and load optimization.


Customer-Facing Functions

TMS includes customer-facing functions that allow customers to interact with the transportation provider or carrier as well as track the status of their shipments. These functions commonly include online booking, shipment tracking, and delivery notifications for greater visibility into the transportation process.

On the other hand, YMS typically do not include such customer-facing functions as they are primarily focused on managing yard operations. The primary users of YMS are yard personnel, such as yard managers and yard jockeys. Therefore, the customer-facing functions are not as relevant in YMS as they are in TMS.


Implementation Cost

TMS can be more expensive to implement than YMS. TMS is designed to manage a larger and more complex transportation network. This complexity requires more software features and capabilities which are not needed in YMS. The integrations, support, and maintenance required for TMS also add to the overall cost of the TMS.

How Does A YMS Complement Both A WMS And A TMS?

Next get yms
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Let’s discuss how a YMS complements both a WMS and a TMS to create an effective logistics management system.


Benefits Of Integrating YMS With WMS

A WMS is great at managing what’s happening inside the warehouse but it can’t see what’s happening outside in the yard. That’s where a YMS complements a WMS. A YMS provides visibility to WMS into the status and location of inventory in the yard. This is important because inventory that is waiting in the yard can’t be used to fulfill orders until it’s brought into the warehouse.

With a YMS, warehouse managers can track the status of trailers and containers in the yard, plan their movements, and ensure that they are brought into the warehouse on time.


Benefits Of Integrating YMS With TMS

By integrating a YMS with a TMS, you can effectively manage the movement of trailers and containers from the yard to the carrier. It ensures that trailers and containers are loaded onto the right carrier at the right time which leads to optimized transportation operations.

It also provides transportation managers better visibility and real-time information into the location and status of trailers and containers within the yard. This helps prevent errors and delays in transportation planning and execution.

Now that you’ve learned the foundational principles of YMS and how it benefits by integrating with TMS and WMS, let’s not stop here. For a complete grip on the topic, it’s important to know the YMS features and how they streamline operations. Let’s take a look.

How YMS Can Help Streamline Your Yard Management: 6 Key Features

An advanced yard management system offers a range of features for optimizing yard management. Let’s take a look at 6 key features of a yard management system that can improve visibility and increase productivity in your yard management operations.


Automated Gate Check-In & Check-Out

Automated gate management is one of the core features of a yard management solution. It enables logistics companies to automate the process of checking vehicles in and out of the yard, reducing wait times and improving efficiency.

With automated gate check-in and check-out, drivers can check into the yard using a mobile device or a self-service kiosk. The system can then automatically match the driver with the correct shipment.


Dock Scheduling

YMS dock scheduling
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Dock scheduling allows logistics companies to schedule the arrival and departure of vehicles to the dock doors which ensures that dock resources are used efficiently.

With dock scheduling, logistics companies can plan for upcoming shipments, allocate resources, and optimize their dock utilization. This feature eliminates unnecessary waiting times and reduces congestion at the dock and helps increase productivity and reduce costs.

Vector pickup

At Vector, we have just the perfect cloud solution for automated gate check-in and check-out, as well as dock scheduling. With our self-service check-ins, drivers can quickly and easily check in to a facility using our mobile app, SMS, or a kiosk. This means no more congestion at the door and you can get drivers in and out of the facility up to 3X faster than before.

With Vector, you can view and manage all dock schedules in one place and the system automatically assigns dock doors or yard locations based on availability and priority. You can also communicate with drivers and carriers via our app and provide them with real-time updates on their appointments.

One of the key features of our cloud solution is the ability to ingest your existing BOLs and convert them to electronic Bill of Ladings. These eBOLs are then automatically routed to the driver and contain timestamps and GPS locations. This not only saves you time and money but also reduces errors and provides you with greater visibility into your supply chain operations.

Our customers praised us for the significant improvements we’ve made to their yard management process, including reduced wait times, improved visibility, and overall operational efficiency. Try Vector Cloud Solution today and experience the benefits for yourself.


Appointment Scheduling

The appointment scheduling feature is used to schedule appointments with carriers and suppliers for the delivery and pick-up of goods. This feature synchronizes the yard management process and helps a distribution center manage its resources more efficiently.

With appointment scheduling, companies can plan their workload and allocate resources more effectively, reducing waiting times and improving operational efficiency.


Real-Time Location Tracking

Companies use this feature to track the movement of assets, such as trailers and containers in real time, assess their utilization, and ensure that they are in the right location at the right time. Real-time location tracking also improves the accuracy of inventory management and optimizes yard operations.


Yard Planning & Optimization

Distribution centers use yard planning and optimization to augment their yard operations by planning and allocating resources more effectively. With this feature, logistics companies can plan for upcoming shipments, allocate resources, and optimize their yard utilization.


Reporting & Analytics

This module provides logistics companies with real-time data and insights into their yard management processes. Companies then compile this data to monitor and analyze key performance metrics like wait times, utilization rates, and resource allocation.

But how does it all come together to help businesses run smoothly? Let’s find out and see how it benefits your business and makes a big difference.

Benefits Of Yard Management System In 5 Key Operational Areas

The rise of eCommerce and the increasing demands of customers for faster delivery times have put companies under more immense pressure to optimize their yard management processes. Let’s take a look at the key benefits of a yard management solution across 5 key operational yard processes.


Impact Of Yard Management System On Truck & Trailer Management

Efficient truck and trailer management is an essential aspect of yard management in the supply chain industry. Managing trucks and trailers is complex – leading to delays and inefficiencies that impact the entire supply chain. Here’s how yard management technology can optimize truck and trailer management processes.

1.1 Increased Efficiency

Yard management processes can be incredibly time-consuming and require significant manpower. However, with a yard management solution in place, you can automate many of these processes for increased efficiency.

Real-time location tracking technology gives drivers a quick glimpse of available parking spots and reduces the time spent searching for a place to park. Similarly, with automated check-in and check-out processes, drivers can quickly enter and exit the yard, further streamlining operations and reducing the potential for delays.

1.2 Reduced Waiting Times

Long waiting times to access the yard impact the entire supply chain. However, with a yard management solution, you can solve this issue and optimize the flow of vehicles in and out of the yard. Automated gate check-in and check-out processes can speed up the flow of vehicles, and real-time location tracking can help you identify and address bottlenecks quickly.

Download the Vector Shipment Cloud app for Android and iOS and get drivers in and out of the facility in less than 20 minutes.

Vector mobile

1.3 Improved Carrier Relationships – Shipper or choice

By reducing waiting times and increasing efficiency, a yard management solution can improve carrier relationships. Obviously, who wouldn’t appreciate the reduced time spent waiting to access the yard? These streamlined processes make their job much easier and reduce their costs as well.

With improved relationships, carriers will be more likely to choose your supply chain operation over competitors, resulting in increased business.

1.4 Enhanced Safety & Security

Yard management technology is a sure shot to improve safety and security in your supply chain operation. With real-time location tracking and automated gate check-in and check-out processes, you can easily monitor who is on-site at any given time and prevent unauthorized access to the yard. Additionally, it also reduces the risk of human error and therefore improves safety for staff and drivers.

1.5 Real-Time Communication With Carriers

With a yard management solution, you can provide carriers with real-time updates on the status of their trucks and trailers like parking locations and estimated wait times. This can improve communication, avoid confusion, and provide better transparency for building stronger relationships with carriers.


Impact Of Yard Management System On Dock Management

Dock management
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A yard management software solution that includes dock management functionality can help companies optimize their dock operations and realize a range of benefits. Here’s how dock management benefits your yard management optimization efforts:

2.1 Reduced Dwell Times

A yard management system with dock scheduling software reduces the time a truck spends at the dock waiting to be checked in, loaded, or unloaded and ensures trucks are on the road faster. It helps companies improve their productivity and reduce costs associated with idle truck times.

Did You Know: A typical warehouse wastes over 30 minutes per load as drivers wait in long check-in lines? Get Vector Pickup and Delivery Cloud to reduce dwell time and have drivers on the road in no time.

2.2 Improved Visibility

Dock management software improves visibility on the status of docks and yard space. This enables distribution companies to make informed decisions about which dock to assign to which truck, ensuring optimal utilization of resources. With real-time updates, companies can track the movement of trailers and trucks and better plan and schedule dock operations.

2.3 Better Resource Allocation

Dock management software can help distribution centers allocate resources more efficiently by providing insights into the availability of dock space, yard space, and other resources. Businesses can also identify underutilized docks and optimize their usage. This ensures that resources are used effectively and reduces waste and improves productivity.

2.4 Faster Turnaround Times

By streamlining dock operations and reducing dwell times, companies can achieve faster turnaround times by moving goods more efficiently. This helps companies meet customer demands more effectively and gain a competitive advantage in the market.


Impact Of Yard Management System On Inventory Management

Management benefits
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A yard management solution helps warehouse managers better manage their yards, streamline their operations, and improve overall operational efficiency. Let’s take a detailed look at the benefits this module offers.

3.1 Accurate Inventory Tracking

Yard management solutions provide real-time tracking and visibility of inventory movements in the yard. With RFID technology, yard management systems track inventory movements as they enter and exit the yard and record the exact location of each item in real time. This ensures that inventory is always up-to-date and accurate.

3.2 Improved Space Utilization

With an advanced yard management system, warehouses can optimize the utilization of yard space and make sure that inventory is stored efficiently and safely. The system shows inventory levels and demand and allows companies to allocate space effectively and minimize the risk of overcrowding or underutilization.

3.3 Reduced Inventory Shrinkage

Inventory shrinkage leads to losses in revenue and reduced customer satisfaction. Yard management technology coupled with a warehouse management system reduces inventory shrinkage. This ensures that inventory is always accounted for and reduces the risk of theft or loss.

3.4 Reduced Stockouts & Overstocks

Inventory stockouts pull the rug out from under the sales while overstocks tower over them. This also causes reduced customer satisfaction and excess inventory costs. With the help of yard management systems, a distribution center can monitor inventory levels and demand and optimize its inventory management processes. This ensures that customers receive their orders on time, reduces the risk of lost sales, and improves overall efficiency.


Impact Of Yard Management System On Yard Staff Management

The yard staff management module manages the personnel responsible for yard operations to ensure that they are effectively utilized and their performance is optimized. Let’s discuss the benefits of this module in greater detail and see how it can help logistics companies achieve greater yard management optimization.

4.1 Streamlined Workflows

One of the primary benefits of yard staff management is its ability to streamline workflows. Logistics companies can create automated workflows that eliminate the need for manual intervention. This reduces the risk of errors and ensures that yard staff is utilized optimally to focus on higher-value tasks that require their expertise.

4.2 Reduced Manual Labor

With the use of technology, businesses can automate processes such as yard check-ins, equipment inspections, and trailer assignments. This frees up yard staff to focus on other tasks and ultimately reduces labor costs.

4.3 Improved Communication & Coordination

Clear communication and coordination between different yard staff members are necessary for successful yard operations. Yard staff management just does that. It provides real-time information about yard operations and results in faster turnaround times, reduced errors, and increased productivity.

4.4 Reduced Overtime

By streamlining workflows and increasing productivity, companies can complete yard operations faster and reduce the need for overtime work. This translates to cost savings for the company and improved job satisfaction for the staff.


Impact Of Yard Management System On Yard Equipment Management

Let’s take a look at how efficient and effective management of equipment such as forklifts, cranes, trailers, and other machinery contributes to a streamlined and optimized yard management process.

5.1 Improved Equipment Utilization

With the help of a yard management system, companies can monitor equipment utilization and plan their usage more efficiently. This way, equipment is used to its full capacity which minimizes idle time and maximizes productivity. This benefit helps companies reduce the number of equipment pieces needed and increase their utilization rate, leading to cost savings.

5.2 Reduced Equipment Downtime

One of the most significant costs of equipment ownership is downtime. When equipment fails or is inoperable, it causes major delays in operations and brings down efficiency. A yard management system not only tracks equipment usage but also keeps a record of equipment maintenance schedules and notifies yard staff when maintenance is due. This way, they can ensure that equipment is regularly maintained and serviced.

5.3 Reduced Equipment Costs

By tracking equipment usage, companies can identify underutilized equipment and make informed decisions about whether to purchase additional equipment or simply redistribute existing equipment to areas where it is needed more. This can help avoid unnecessary equipment purchases.


Successful operations depend on visioning what the future holds for ever-evolving market trends and taking the right steps towards implementing and integrating the right tech in reaction to that. An efficient yard management system can take a supply chain business from zero to becoming a superhero.

Yard management is a broad spectrum and by keeping a handle on all operations tactfully, you can improve your visibility by supercharging your performance in no time. Automation to replace large manual operating processes is the major answer to inefficient yard management.

That is what our expert team at Vector is committed to. If you are a supply chain company or a distribution center looking to revolutionize your logistic operations, there is no better option than Vector’s Pickup and Delivery Cloud solution. Request a free trial today to access innovative solutions and stay ahead of the curve and transform your logistics game into a more streamlined and optimized one.

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