Analytics and Reporting

Gain real-time transparency and actionable insights into all yard activities, surfacing bottlenecks and gaps in information.

Facilities analytics reporting

The world's leading brands use Vector to manage their yard operations

Facilities receive reports

In-Depth Data Retrieval

Do you have a question about a carrier, a set of trailers, or what happened on a particular day? Vector segments the data based on any attribute and allows users to drill down to find more information. For example, see a real-time view of the age of trailers within the year or measure the dwell time of drivers by day, by carrier, or by customer.

Receive Reports in Real-Time

Reporting should be a function of work getting done. Why wait until the end of the month, week, or even day when you can get yard charts, reports, and metrics in real-time?

Facilities integrate seamlessly
Data backed decision making

Data-Backed Decision Making

Vector's analytics and reporting tools empower decision-makers with predictive analytics capabilities. By leveraging historical data, the system can forecast trends and potential issues before they occur, enabling proactive yard management. This feature helps optimize operations, enhance productivity, and reduce costs by anticipating and mitigating risks early.

Integrate With Other Reporting Engines

Do you already have a BI dashboard? No worries. Vector can push raw data into any record system so you can slice and dice the information in your favorite reporting engine.

Integrate reporting engines

Estimate your savings

Enter your current expenses to see how much you can save with Vector

How we help customers increase efficiency

See why top companies trust Vector for better management.

Frequently asked questions

Still can’t find what you’re looking for?

Vector’s analytics tools can analyze a wide range of data, including carrier performance, trailer age, driver dwell times, and specific incidents or activities on any given day. The system segments the data based on any attribute, allowing users to drill down and get detailed insights.

Ready to transform your supply chain?

Increase efficiency and productivity. Say goodbye to delays, handwriting error and time-intensive data entry in the back office.